The Signs Of Having A Car Battery That Need Repair Or Replacement

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The Signs Of Having A Car Battery That Need Repair Or Replacement

28 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Do you think that your vehicle's battery has started to go bad, and are now thinking that it is time for repair or replacement? Here are some ways to identify a bad battery before it becomes problematic or dangerous to your vehicle.

Slow Cranking

When you try to start your engine, have you noticed that it cranks kind of slow? This is because the vehicle is drawing the power from the battery in order to start the engine, and if there is not enough power from the battery it will crank very slowly.  Your vehicle may still start without having the optimal amount of power, but the slow cranking is telling you that something is wrong with the battery.  

The only exception to this rule is if you've started your vehicle in very cold weather. Try starting your vehicle again after driving for a while and the vehicle is warmed up. If the engine still cranks slowly, then you know the battery is the issue. 


Take a look under the hood and look at the battery posts where the car connects to the battery. While corrosion is not always something that requires battery replacement, it does mean that the terminals need to be cleaned. The metal posts should always look brand new with no corrosion, and you'll need to take the necessary steps to clean the post if corrosion is on them.  If you clean the posts and corrosion returns soon after, that is a sign that something is wrong with your battery and it needs to be replaced. 

Swollen Battery

A battery should never swell up and increase in size, which is a huge indication that something is wrong with it. If you've noticed that the battery case looks like it is expanding or starting to crack, it could be from expansion happening to the battery on the inside of the case.  Each side should be completely flat at all times without any swelling, and if it is swelling at all, replace the battery with a new one.

Low Battery Fluid

Every battery should have a window that allows you to see the fluid inside it. If you have low battery fluid, the battery is not going to work very effectively. An auto shop can inspect the battery for potential problems, help add more fluid, or install a brand new battery if you do not know how to do so.

Contact a car battery installation provider for more information.

About Me
Investing In Better Electronics

When I moved into my new home, I knew that I was going to need to do something to update things. It seemed like I was always dealing with some kind of electrical problem, and it was really frustrating. I wanted to completely overhaul my system, so I started focusing on finding better electronics and an electrician to install some of my home appliances. He came right out, got to work, and completely improved things. This blog is all about investing in better electronics and staying safe while you work on your place. With the right electronics and appliances, your home could feel brand new.
