3 Options When Your Smart Phone Is Cracked & You Don't Have Insurance

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3 Options When Your Smart Phone Is Cracked & You Don't Have Insurance

21 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a smartphone, a functional screen is essential if you want to use all the functions on your phone. When your smart phone screen gets cracked, it may stop responding to your touches and commands and you may not be able to use all the features. If you don't have cell phone insurance through your phone plan, here are three things that you can do to fix the situation.

#1 Tape It Up

The first thing you can do is fix the issue at hand. Take scotch tape and put it over the cracks on your screen if they are small. If the crack is larger, then put some clear shipping tape over the cracks and make sure that the tape wraps around the phone onto the back cover.

Taping up your phone will help prevent the cracks from spreading and causing more damage to your screen. It may also make it possible for you to use some of the basic functions on your phone. However, this is only a temporary fix. 

#2 Purchase A Repair Kit

The second thing that you can do is purchase a repair kit. You can easily look up the make and model of your phone online and find a replacement screen kit. Once you order the kit, you are going to need to remove the cracked screen on your phone and put on a new one. 

This is going to require that you have very good fine motor skills, as removing a screen and putting on a new one is a delicate process that requires very precise hand movements. 

Replacing the screen will also only work if the only thing damaged was the screen. Depending on how your phone was damaged, components inside of your phone may also need to be repaired.

#3 Call Up A Technician 

The third thing you can do is have someone come to you to fix your phone. There are many cell phone repair companies that will send a cell phone repair technician out to your location to fix your phone for you. They will provide all of the supplies and do all the work to fix your phone. If other components beyond your screen are damaged, they will fix those for you as well.

If you don't have this service in your area or don't want to pay for the tech to come to you, a brick-and-mortar cell phone repair shop should be able to easily fix the phone for you. 

About Me
Investing In Better Electronics

When I moved into my new home, I knew that I was going to need to do something to update things. It seemed like I was always dealing with some kind of electrical problem, and it was really frustrating. I wanted to completely overhaul my system, so I started focusing on finding better electronics and an electrician to install some of my home appliances. He came right out, got to work, and completely improved things. This blog is all about investing in better electronics and staying safe while you work on your place. With the right electronics and appliances, your home could feel brand new.
